The HECT application in humans is carried out using our high-frequency device omnitron-pro.
High-frequency pulses are sent to the affected area via the device's application loop.
Signals are sent from the affected areas to be processed in the brain.
The corresponding genes are then activated in the cells and proteins are produced, which then promote the regeneration of the injury. After just one HECT application, the production of these proteins is increased enormously, which accelerates the regeneration process.
The innovative application method using HECT (High Energy Cell Treatment) sets new standards in pain therapy.
No matter whether in rehabilitation after injuries, muscle tension, problems due to natural asymmetries or in diagnostics, the innovative HECT application has been proven to achieve considerable success.
HECT is based on the induction of strong energy fields. Due to the nature of the omnitron's magnetic pulse field as a high-frequency magnetic field with 135 kilohertz, the pulse oscillates from plus to minus 135,000 times per second. This extremely high frequency of discharging and charging the cell within a very short time, which is only possible in the high frequency range, guarantees that the application is completely harmless to the organism, especially the heart.
The application is absolutely painless.
The clinical study by the Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg with the deviceomnitron-pro proves:
No cell damage possible
No stimulation of uncontrolled cell growth (e.g. sarcoids/tumors)
Efficacy study published in the journal “Cells” (scientific journal on cell biology from the USA).
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